Laraway Community Consolidated School District 70C

Little Learners

The Little Learners Preschool program is founded on research-based knowledge about child development.  It promotes the child’s emotional, physical, mental, and social well-being, and supports and nurtures families. We are committed to providing a program where services and practices enable all children to be successful students and responsible citizens.   

We are funded by a yearly renewable grant from the Illinois State Board of Education and Laraway C.C.S.D. 70C.  The Illinois State Board of Education is committed to supporting early childhood education to ensure that all Illinois children develop a strong foundation for learning. Currently, the program is able to serve 60 children in one, full-day program at Laraway School. The class meets for seven hours, five days a week, Monday through Friday.  Each classroom teacher has a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and is highly qualified.  Each teacher assistant has 60 credit hours of college and is certified through the Will County Regional Office of Education.  

Funding for the grant comes from state sales tax, state income tax, and some federal funds. The program does not receive any funds from property tax or school districts we serve. Parents pay nothing when the child is qualified and enrolled into this program.   

The children are given breakfast, lunch and a snack each day.  Milk is served once or twice daily. Any food allergies will need to be verified by a physician.  Forms available at the district office.  The children also do various cooking activities throughout the year.  Large and small muscle movements, daily music, small group activities, crafts, stories, and free-play time are all components of the program.  Social interaction is so important at this age and our classrooms are places where children can talk and interact with peers as well as teachers.  Play is also very important for children of this age.  This is how they will discover, explore, and problem-solve.  By doing this, your child will become more self-aware and independent, while developing positive self-esteem.  These are skills children need to be successful in life. 


Welcome to Laraway Community Consolidated School District 70C 

We serve each child for the purpose of helping reach his or her full potential as a life-long learner.

It is the business of learning that inspires us to teach.

Our ultimate goal is to positively contribute to the betterment of the communities in which WE live.