English Learner (EL) Programs
Laraway CCSD70C has two types of English Learner programs: Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) and a Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI).
The mission of the district’s TBE and TPI programs is to help students transition to English language proficiency by offering literacy and core content instruction in the home language. We strive to increase the academic success of our English learners by supporting the social, emotional, linguistic and cultural needs of the students and their families.
All English learners in the district participate in academically rigorous programs that acknowledge and respect the unique cultural and linguistic characteristics that our students bring to the school community. Students receive language and content support based on their individual needs. The majority of the support provided by the ELL resource teacher occurs in the general education setting; however, students may also receive additional instruction with the ELL teacher in a separate, resource room.
To learn more about the English Learner programs in Laraway CCSD70C, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page or contact:
Beatriz Martinez, Director of Bilingual Services
Email: bmartinez@laraway70c.org
Phone: (815) 727-5196.
We serve each child for the purpose of helping reach his or her full potential as a life-long learner.
It is the business of learning that inspires us to teach.
Our ultimate goal is to positively contribute to the betterment of the communities in which WE live.