Hut...hut...hike Laraway families!
Please join Student Council and
Tackle Hunger @ the
“Souper” Bowl!
Student Council is hosting a food drive to support the Spanish Community Center in Joliet. The food drive will take place next week, from Monday, February 7th- Friday, February 11th. Please consider donating non-perishable food items, including canned soups, canned fruits, canned vegetables, jelly, rice, macaroni & cheese, pasta, etc. All donations can be placed in the food donation box in your student’s grade-level neighborhood.
Thank you so much for donations and for helping us tackle hunger!
iHut ... hut ... camina familias de Laraway!
Por favor únase al Consejo Estudiantil y
¡Afronta el hambre en el
“Souper” Bowl!
El Consejo Estudiantil está organizando una colecta de comida para apoyar la despensa de alimentos de El Centro Comunitario Español de Joliet. La colecta de comida será del lunes 7 de febrero al viernes 11 de febrero. Por favor considere donar alimentos no perecederos, incluyendo sopas enlatadas, frutas enlatadas, vegetales enlatados, gelatina, arroz, macarrones con queso, pasta, etc. Todas las donaciones se pueden colocar en la caja de donación de alimentos en el vecindario de nivel de grado de su estudiante.
¡Muchas gracias por las donaciones y por ayudarnos a luchar contra el hambre!
We serve each child for the purpose of helping reach his or her full potential as a life-long learner.
It is the business of learning that inspires us to teach.
Our ultimate goal is to positively contribute to the betterment of the communities in which WE live.