Laraway Community Consolidated School District 70C

Updates Regarding Last Days of School, Pickups and K Graduation

Greetings Laraway Families,


As we enter into the final weeks of the school year, I wanted to thank you personally for your help in the transition to the eLearning process.  This was a difficult transition to make for everyone, and I am extremely proud of how the Laraway community stepped up to the challenge.  If you are paying attention to the news, you might be aware that it is a very real possibility that next school year will start as this year ended, utilizing eLearning.  This will all depend on what phase we are in according to the Governor’s phased plan.  We will keep you updated on any and all information about next school year as we receive guidance. 


Here are some updates regarding the last days of school:



Last Day of School:

The day of eLearning will be May 15th.  We will utilize the week of May 18-22nd for make-up work that needs to be completed.  The last official day of school will be May 22nd.



Personal Belongings Pick Up:


The following schedule has been developed to ensure safe social distancing during the pick-up.  This will be a curbside pick-up so you will not need to leave your vehicle. 


Monday May 18th:           Pre-K, K and 1st  grade will pick up from 9am-11am in the south parking lot.

                                                2nd and 3rd grade will pick up from 12pm-2pm in the south parking lot.


Wednesday May 18th:    4th and 5th grade will pick up from 9am-11am in the south parking lot.

                                                6th and 7th grade will pick up from 12pm-2pm in the south parking lot.

                                                8th grade will pick up when they come in to take the graduation video/photo.


8th Grade Graduation:


As soon as we receive the gowns, we will be calling all graduates to set up an appointment for them to come in and receive their diploma.  Immediate family may attend as long as they have a mask and practice social distancing.   You will also receive a refund for any money that you gave Laraway for graduation. 



Kindergarten Graduation:


This year we will be having Laraway’s first-ever virtual kindergarten graduation.  Graduation will be on May 27th, 2020 sometime between 11:00-12:00 (depending on number of families interested, multiple meetings may need to be held due to size constrictions of (Google Meet). The ceremony will last about 15-20 minutes.  In order to make this a success, we need your help.  We have included links below (so you can practice) to two songs we’d like to have the kids (parents and siblings too) sing along with during the show.  When we present each graduate, we’d like students to tell what their favorite thing about kindergarten was.  They can just say it, draw a picture to show, and/or read a sentence they wrote about it.  Please practice a couple of times beforehand so they’re ready. If you choose to join us, you must RSVP no later than Friday, May 22nd.  You will then be receiving an invitation for the Google meeting that will include a link to join the meeting.  On the day of the ceremony, you can just click the link to join from a computer or chrome book (if using a smartphone or tablet device, please download the Google Meet app ahead of time). Those interested: please let your teacher know by responding with a text or email.  If texting, please include the email address you would like the link and further information to go to.  Although this is not the ceremony we had planned to have, we are very excited to be able to do this for the students, and can’t wait to see them.  


Food Delivery:


We will continue with food distribution on May 12, 19, 26 and June 2.  Pick up will be from 9am-11pm in the south lot of Laraway school. 



Please stay safe, and as always please contact me if you have any questions.  We are Laraway stong!!!!!

Welcome to Laraway Community Consolidated School District 70C 

We serve each child for the purpose of helping reach his or her full potential as a life-long learner.

It is the business of learning that inspires us to teach.

Our ultimate goal is to positively contribute to the betterment of the communities in which WE live.