Laraway Community Consolidated School District 70C


Feb 25, 2021, 12:01 PM
If you are interested in signing your student up for the third trimester please contact the front office before March 3rd. We would also like to survey Kindergarten parents. If you are a kindergarten parent you may call the office to let us know if you would be interested in sending your student to in person learning.
Feb 23, 2021, 10:48 AM
Click above to stream the February Laraway School District 70C Board Meeting.
Feb 17, 2021, 1:06 PM
8th Grade Graduation Picture Day is coming up soon! On Wednesday March 3rd or Thursday March 4th, you will have the opportunity to sign up for an appointment to take your 8th grade graduation pictures and be measured for your cap and gown. Please click for more details...

Welcome to Laraway Community Consolidated School District 70C 

We serve each child for the purpose of helping reach his or her full potential as a life-long learner.

It is the business of learning that inspires us to teach.

Our ultimate goal is to positively contribute to the betterment of the communities in which WE live.